3 reasons to implement a CRM
The use of a CRM system in companies is already a necessity, especially for those that manage an increasing volume of sales-related data. Implement a CRM system to manage your sales in an agile way and achieve commercial benefits.

The use of a CRM system in companies is already a necessity, especially for those that manage an increasing volume of sales-related data.

A CRM allows you to manage your company’s relationship with customers and potential customers in order to increase sales, and although there are many reasons why your company should implement a CRM, here we highlight 3:

1. Streamline your sales process and meet your objectives.

A CRM solution makes lead management easier and more practical, from the acquisition stage to closing. Teamwork is important to speed up the sales flow, and thanks to a CRM solution, you have the ability to collaborate on closing each opportunity, assigning tasks, visualizing progress, and keeping up to date with updates. Studies show that the proportion of professionals who achieve their sales goals is much higher among those who use a CRM.

2. Centralizes customer information

Do you use Excel documents to store business data? If the answer is yes, you have to stop doing so, let me explain with an example: If you have a customer who made a purchase a couple of years ago and contacts you again to inquire about new products or services, possibly

you will not remember the details of that managementTherefore, you would be missing the opportunity to recognize how to re-sell to your customer and make a new sale. Your team will save time and effort, since they won’t struggle to find the information of a current opportunity or customer or one that was sold to years ago. A modern CRM solution keeps all information organized on cards by individual or company. These cards can include new data as an opportunity moves between stages of the flow.

3. Increases productivity and process efficiency.

The CRM platform should include advanced task management functionalities that help the sales team to be more effective and efficient, so they can access their pending tasks and prioritize the activities that generate greater results. Improving service is one of the benefits that this platform offers, because it allows you to know if your customer had a problem during the purchase process, you will know how they handled their service requests, and if they were satisfied. In addition, you can create proactive strategies, such as offering new or better offers that motivate your customers to continue buying.

Implement an agile CRM system for your company

Most CRM systems offered in the market are not managed correctly and effectively, becoming a reporting tool.

Why does this happen?

Because many times they do not have professionals to provide support when acquiring this system. Our CRM service, based on Odoo, helps the sales organization to be more productive thanks to its agile and intuitive interface.

The service is delivered in SaaS mode, from the cloud and with comprehensive technical management, so that your team does not have to worry about implementations or technical tasks.

Our CRM system offers

  • Agile Dashboards
  • Efficiency and Effectiveness
  • Happy vendors
  • Organized data
  • Mailings
  • Accurate forecasts
  • Collaboration


A CRM is a tool that allows to efficiently execute activities with each customer and the people involved in sales so that the commercial effort of the company has better results.

Fernando Covecino
Founding Partner