How to make Instagram stories to sell more
Are you already using Instagram and Facebook stories to sell? If not, learn how they can help you achieve your goals.

Social networks have become very important in our daily lives, especially in the field of business and sales, being excellent allies to connect with our target audience and reach larger audiences interested in our products or services. In this article, we want to talk to you about stories in a special way and give you some tips to make the most of product tags. Social networks, in particular Instagram, provide you with a lot of tools to promote, interact and manage your online presence. To mention some of them we have: organic posts, videos, carousels, stories, etc.

Do you know how it works?

Product stickers allow you to attach a link that directs your audience to a product page in your online store.

What you need to do is connect your online store catalog with your company’s Facebook and Instagram profiles. This way you will be able to synchronize products in your posts and stories.

The main step to displaying your product tags in Instagram stories is to set up your company profile.

With your Instagram and Facebook profile already set up, we will explain how to tag your products in each photo, so that users, when they click on it, will see more information (description, price and link to purchase).

Steps to tag products in your stories

  • Upload a photo or video, add text and filters of your choice.
  • Enter the tag options to insert in the story.
  • Select the product label.
  • Tap on the product you want to label.
  • Write the name of the products to be labeled
  • A search box will appear in your product catalog where you will have to select the appropriate one
  • Then, we recommend you to click on “preview labeled products” to check that everything looks good.
  • And finally, click on “done” and “share story”.

Take into account the following:

It is important to know that you will be able to tag up to 5 products in the same image or video within your story, and up to 20 if the publication has several images. In addition, in the first case you will have no problem to edit the product tags in the future, however, in publications with several images you cannot make edits once they have been published. You will also be able to tag them in past posts, not just new ones, so it’s a good time to do a complete cleanup of your profile by archiving those past posts and tagging products. Something that is also very convenient is that, as you update your catalog on Facebook, your Instagram will also be updated to the extent that the tags of those products that are no longer in it will be removed.

Take the next step with your business!

Now that you know how easy it is to use Instagram stories to sell more, what are you waiting for to implement an online store, tag your products and make it easy for your customers to buy.

The main reason for having your own online store

Consumer behavior is changing and although it may seem like a difficult topic to manage, in reality, it’s a opportunity for you to stand out against your competition: Offering a fast and friendly experience will help you simplify the purchasing process of your customers and they will not be involved in long communication processes to purchase your products or services. In us you have a managed services ally to focus only on the growth of your company, because we take care of the technical and support part.

Benefits of an online store:

  • You have your business open to the public permanently.
  • Reduce staff costs.
  • It allows you to better study your customer.
  • Sells in other cities and more.
  • Efficiency in business management.
  • Greater visibility of your business.


Having an online store is the beginning of great benefits for your company and I assure you that you will see great commercial results once you incorporate this digital tool. Take into account that it is important to achieve a good reputation to build trust with your customers and if possible apply digital marketing strategies to position your company among all the online stores that sell products or services similar to yours.

Isis Vilchez
Asesora Comercial